Motor Control, 10E
Tenth Edition
Stephen L. Herman
Updated with the
latest technology, machines, and controls in the industry, ELECTRIC
MOTOR CONTROL, 10E delivers comprehensive coverage and practical
insight for anyone who will install, monitor, and/or maintain motor
Extremely reader friendly, the book
begins by introducing the simplest of equipment and then helps you
build on your knowledge as you learn step by step how to draw and
interpret motor control schematic diagrams.
Subsequent units offer detailed coverage of
motor control components and how they are connected to form complete
control circuits. The text ends with troubleshooting techniques that
provide you with eal-world practice.
- Succinct, self-contained units remain a
signature feature of this popular text. At about 4-10 pages each,
the units are easily matched up with teacher and learner
needs-offering instructors optimum flexibility to meet your
students’ unique needs.
- A wealth of up-to-date photos, line
illustrations, artwork, and schematic diagrams vividly illustrate
chapter concepts.
- Extremely reader friendly, the text
provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the voltmeter,
ammeter, and ohmmeter when troubleshooting a control circuit.
- Updated content includes coverage of
mercury bulb float switches.
- The text is popular for its heavy
industrial orientation and focus on electromechanical controls.
- After delivering comprehensive coverage
throughout, ELECTRIC MOTOR CONTROL, 10e concludes with unit 60:
Troubleshooting Techniques, which effectively equips readers with
real-life tools for real-world practice.
- Extremely reader friendly, ELECTRIC
MOTOR CONTROL, 10E delivers comprehensive coverage through succinct,
self-contained, 4-10 page units that are easily matched up with your
specific learning needs.
- A wealth of up-to-date photos, line
illustrations, artwork, and schematic diagrams vividly illustrate
chapter concepts.
- Step-by-step instructions demonstrate
how to use the voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter when troubleshooting
a control circuit.
- The text concludes with unit 60:
Troubleshooting Techniques, equipping you with real-life tools for
real-world practice.
- Updated content includes coverage of
mercury bulb float switches
NEW to this
- Completely up to date and more
comprehensive than ever, the new Tenth Edition includes expanded
coverage of push-buttons and selector switches, relays,
contactors pressure switches, temperature switches, temperature
sensing devices, hand-off-auto switches, and much more.
- The new edition uses a detailed
schematic diagram to more clearly illustrate how a circuit is
- Updated schematics provide thorough
explanations of part winding starting.
- Coverage of direct current motors
has been expanded.
- Additional discussions of control
transformers are now included.
- Dynamic braking for AC squirrel
cage motors is explained in detail.
1. General Principles of Electric Motor
2. Fractional and Integral Horsepower Manual Motor Starters.
3. Magnetic Line Voltage Starters.
4. Symbols.
5. Interpretation and Application of Simple Wiring and
Elementary Diagrams.
6. Push Buttons and Control Stations.
7. Relays.
8. Contactors.
9. Timing Relays.
10. Pressure Switches and Regulators.
11. Float Switches.
12. Flow Switches.
13. Limit Switches and Proximity Control.
14. Phase Failure Relays.
15. Solenoid Valves.
16. Temperature Switches.
17. Two-Wire Controls.
18. Three-Wire and Separate Controls.
19. Hand-Off-Automatic Controls.
20. Multiple Push Button Stations.
21. Interlocking Methods for Reversing Control.
22. Sequence Control.
23. Jogging (Inching) Control Circuits.
24. Time-Delay, Low-Voltage Release Relay.
25. The Motor and Starting Methods.
26. Primary Resistor-Type Starters.
27. Autotransformer Starters.
28. Part Winding Motor Starters.
29. Automatic Starters for Star-Delta Motors.
30. AC Solid-State Reduced Voltage Controller.
31. Controllers for Two-Speed, Two-Winding (Separate Winding)
32. Two-Speed, One-Winding (Consequent Pole) Motor Controller.
33. Four-Speed, Two-Winding (Consequent Pole) Motor Controller.
34. Wound Rotor Motors and Manual Speed Control.
35. Push Button Speed Selection.
36. Automatic Acceleration for Wound Rotor Motors.
37. Automatic Speed Control for Wound Rotor Motors.
38. Solid-State Adjustable Speed Controller for AC Wound Rotor
39. Synchronous Motor Operation.
40. Push Button Synchronizing.
41. Timed Semiautomatic Synchronizing.
42. Synchronous Automatic Motor Starter.
43. About DC Motors.
44. Use of Reduced Voltage for Starting.
45. Across-the-Line Starting.
46. Compensating and Definite Time Control Starting.
47. Solid-State Adjustable Speed Control.
48. Plugging.
49. Electric Brakes.
50. Dynamic and Regenerative Braking.
51. Electric and Electronic Braking.
52. Direct Drives and Pulley Drives.
53. Gear Motors.
54. Variable-Frequency Mechanical Drives.
55. AC Adjustable Frequency Drives.
56. Magnetic Clutch and Magnetic Drive.
57. DC Variable-Speed Control-Motor Drives.
58. Programmable and Motion Control.
59. Motor Startup and Troubleshooting Basics.
60. Troubleshooting Techniques.
About the Author:
Stephen L. Herman is a retired
electrician and teacher with more than 30 years of experience to his
credit. A seasoned author, his reader-friendly textbooks on
electricity and mathematics are popular with students and
instructors alike.
For two decades Mr. Herman was lead instructor
for the Electrical Technology Curriculum at Lee College in Baytown,
Texas, where he received an Excellence in Education Award from the
Halliburton Education Foundation. He also taught at Randolph
Community College in Asheboro, N.C., for nine years and helped
establish an electrical curriculum for Northeast Texas Community
College in Mount Pleasant, Texas.
480 Pages
Copyright 2015
PLC & Motor Control Books
& Training
/ 9781133702818