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PLC Training Software & Books

PLC Training Software, Motor Control & Programmable Logic Controller Tutorials

   PLC Training Software  

PLC / Motor Control Books

(Note: Software is available in Multiple User and Site License packages email us for pricing)
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Constructor Electrical Ladder Diagram, Schematic and PLC Software

New !!The Constructor 16 -

The Constructor program makes the creation, testing, trouble-shooting, teaching and printing of electrical ladder diagrams, schematics and one line diagrams fast and easy.

The Constructor is unique in it's ability to test an electrical circuit. Now the complete circuit can be tested from the three phase power components to the control circuit. See and Hear the circuit running. The built-in symbol libraries of over 600 symbols makes the creation of your diagrams fast and easy.  more

We also have optional libraries containing over 1800 Allen Bradley, Automation Direct, Cutler Hammer, GE Fanuc, Idec, Mitsubishi, Modicon, Omron, Siemens,  Telemecanique and Toshiba PLC I/O diagrams. - more

(Note: Software is available in Multiple User and Site License packages email us for pricing)

e Frequency Drive Training Software
(Single Student)

The VFDTrainer -

Variable Frequency Drives are becoming the standard in industry for precise control of motors and rotating equipment. The VFDTrainer is a tutorial on the basic operation, installation, programming and trouble shooting of these units.
  • AC Motors
  • Uses of Variable Frequency Drives
  • Parts and Operation of a VFD
  • VFD Control
  • VFD Installation
  • VFD Start-up
  • Soft Starters - more

(Note: Software is available in Multiple User and Site License packages email us for pricing)

ViewTrainer - Human Machine Interface Trainer
(Single Student)

The ViewTrainer This new HMI Training (RSView32) Software includes the following units of instruction...

  • RSLinx Communications
  • DDE Topics & Excel
  • Creating a new RSView Project
  • Graphic Displays & Animation
  • Alarms
  • Data Logs
  • Run Mode
  • Interactive Quiz - more

CLXTrainer - ControlLogix Trainer
(Single Student)

  • Introduction to ControlLogix
  • Overview of RSLogix5000
  • ControlLogix Architecture
  • ControlLogix Memory
  • Project Organization
  • Data File Types
  • ControlLogix Bit Instructions
  • Timer Instructions
  • >> more

(Note: Software is available in Multiple User and Site License packages email us for pricing)

TSTrainer - Hands-On Live Voltage Troubleshooting without the Risk
(Single Student)


Hands-On Live Voltage Troubleshooting without the Risk

The TSTrainer is a multi-media computer-based training module design to instruct the user in proper control trouble shooting techniques.

Drill and practice is used to reinforce skills. The realistic control systems include both electro-mechanical motor control as well as PLC control.

A virtual meter is used to diagnose the faults within the systems. - more

The PLCTrainer
(Single Student)

Bundle Includes:

The PLCTrainer
The LogixTrainer

+ The LogixPro Simulator FREE

The PLCTrainer Bundle -

Now  includes Analog instruction, an area that has been overlooked by most training materials.

Includes a Laboratory Manual full of proven practical applications that allow the student to work through and understanding of the PLC's Instruction Set.

The screens demonstrating the instructions have a look and feel of RSLogix, plus if you own a copy of RSLogix, you can open it from within The PLCTrainer! - more

(Note: Software is available in Multiple User and Site License packages email us for pricing)

(Single Student)

The PLC Technician Bundle

(Single Student)

The Automation Specialist

(Single Student)

The Technicians Dream

The MCTrainer
(Single Student)
The MCTrainer includes a Laboratory Manual full of proven practical applications that allow the student to work through and understanding of relay logic. 

Additionally, a student management system is included in the package. 

 If you own a copy of The Constructor v. 2.8 or above, you may call The Constructor from within The MCTrainer.  

Bookmarking is also included making it easy for a student to return to the last lesson that they studied.  - more

(Note: Software is available in Multiple User and Site License packages email us for pricing)

DeviceNet Tutor-Level 1
(Single Student)

DeviceNet Tutor-Level 1

Multimedia tutorial on the newest controls technology.

The tutorial includes a Laboratory Manual for use by Tech Schools, Community Colleges, Company Training Departments, Apprenticeship Programs and individuals.

It also includes a calculator for determining the voltage drop of the network.  This is critical in the design and maintenance of an efficient DeviceNet. - more

   PLC & Motor Control Books  

PLC Training Software

Building Automation Control Devices and Applications

Building Automation Control Devices and Applications -

Building Automation Control Devices and Applications covers the operation, signals, and functions of the sensors, actuators, and other control equipment used in automated systems in commercial buildings. It is a solid foundation for a comprehensive training program in building automation.

The textbook is organized by building system, and each system is explained so that the function and application of each device is clear. This system-based foundation is then used to discuss the possibilities of interaction between multiple systems in automated buildings. - more

Building Automation: System Integration with Open Protocols
Book w/ CD-ROM
Building Automation: System Integration with Open Protocols -

Building Automation: System Integration with Open Protocols introduces concepts of automated electronic controls and network communication and then details the two primary protocols for wired networks: LonWorks® and BACnet®.

Each system is thoroughly described with information about installation, configuration, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

The capstone of this textbook is a series of examples that illustrate the design, installation, and configuration of each protocol in various scenarios.

The final chapter discusses the future of building automation, including trends in the industry, networking, protocols, and control strategies. - more

Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel New!Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel -

Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel provides a detailed overview of facility electrical equipment and systems as well as the testing, maintenance, and troubleshooting skills that facilities maintenance personnel need on a commercial job site.

Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel is a comprehensive preparation resource for those responsible for maintaining commercial building electrical systems and equipment.

Distribution System, Lighting System, HVAC System, and Motor Control circuit principles, testing, and troubleshooting concepts are presented through a hands-on approach.

** Instructor's Resource Guide Available - more

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated SystemsElectrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems -

This industry-leading text includes the latest motor control and integrated systems technology for instruction of advanced manufacturing skills.

The latest test tools, safety practices, and technology have been added to complement the advancing technology of motor starters, motor drives, PLCs, and control devices. - more

Electrical Motor Controls Resource GuideElectrical Motor Controls Instructor's Resource Guide

is a valuable instructional tool designed for training in group settings. The Instructor's Resource Guide includes an Instructor's Guide, Instructional Outlines, PowerPoint® Presentations, Interactive Illustrations, Flash Cards, Quick Quizzes®, Illustrated Glossary, Pretest, Posttest, Answer Keys, and Test Generator Software. - more

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Workbook

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Workbook -
The Workbook provides Worksheets for each major concept presented in the Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems text. For review, a Tech-Chek follows each chapter. - more

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Applications Manual

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Applications Manual -
This outstanding instructional tool includes hands-on application information that expands on content presented in Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems text. - more
Electric Motor Drive Installation and Troubleshooting Electric Motor Drive Installation and Troubleshooting, 3E -

Electric Motor Drive Installation and Troubleshooting is designed for technicians in the field responsible for installing, programming, troubleshooting, and retrofitting electric motor drives.

This industry-leading resource begins with electric motor principles, power requirements, and control methods and focuses on the safe operation, installation, startup, and troubleshooting of electric motor drives. This new edition provides comprehensive coverage of electric motor drive retrofit procedures and includes proven, real-world application scenarios.

Also included is the latest NFPA 70E® safety information. End-of-chapter review questions and activities provide a variety of assessment opportunities. - more

Motor and Drive Troubleshooting: Basic Testing to Advanced Diagnostics
Motor and Drive Troubleshooting: Basic Testing to Advanced Diagnostics

Motor and Drive Troubleshooting: Basic Testing to Advanced Diagnostics is a new textbook that provides an overview of the latest information on the safe, efficient, and practical use of portable oscilloscopes (scope meters).

This new book has five chapters that include the fundamental principles, basic procedures, common applications, and inspection methodologies of handheld portable oscilloscopes as compared to other test instruments such as clamp-on ammeters and digital multimeters (DMMs).

Detailed commercial and industrial illustrations, applications, and procedures supplement the material. - more

New!Programmable Logic Controllers Principles and Applications -

Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications covers the fundamentals of installing, programming, and troubleshooting PLC-embedded systems used in industrial control applications.

This text/workbook provides a foundation for PLC troubleshooting using software and test instruments while adhering to electrical safety. It also covers the use of discrete and analog input and output device installation, programming, and operation. - more

Solid State Devices and Systems, 4E Solid State Devices and Systems, 4E -

Solid State Devices and Systems, 4th Edition, presents a comprehensive overview of solid state devices and circuitry.

This new edition is designed for electricians, students, and technicians who have a basic understanding of electricity. Component and circuit construction, operation, installation, and troubleshooting are emphasized and supported by detailed illustrations.

New and expanded topics include test instruments, printed circuit board construction, soldering and desoldering, power sources and renewable energy, photonics, digital electronics, and solid state technology in programmable controllers.

Textbook, Study Guide and Instructor's Resource Guide Available.  -  more

UGLY's Electric Motors and Controls 2017
$12.95 $24.95

UGLY's Electric Motors and Controls 2017 -

Work safely and efficiently on motors and controls when you have the new Ugly’s in your toolbox!

Updated to the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC)

Ugly’s Electric Motors and Controls 2017 is a quick, on-the-job reference specifically designed to provide the most commonly required information on the design, installation, application, and maintenance of motors and controls in an easy-to-read, easy-to-access format.

An ideal tool for electrician’s, contractors, designers, engineers, instructors and students, this essential pocket guide uses diagrams, calculations, and quick explanations to ensure jobs are completed safely and correctly and in accordance to industry standards. - more

2023 NEC  2020  2017  2014  2011  Calculations  DataComm  Electrical 1 2  Electricity  Electronics  Estimating  Exam Prep  Hobby  Industrial  Insulated Tools Lockout/Tagout  Low Voltage  Maintenance  Marine  PLC / Motor Controls  PPE Clothing  Residential   Safety  Theory  Tools  Utility  Voice/Data/Video
Arc Flash Clothing (PPE)    Automotive    Blue Print Reading    Building Codes    Business/Office    Calculators/Measuring    DataComm-VDV Concrete    Construction    Cost Guides    Electrical 1   2     Electrical Exam Prep    Electrical-Supplies   Electrician-Tools    Electronics Emergency / Rescue    Estimating     Fire / Firefighting    Gifts    Green Bldg    HazMat    Hobby    HVAC-R    HVAC Exam Prep    HVAC-Tools   Inspection   Insulated-Tools   Legal   Low-Voltage   Maintenance   Motor Control / PLC    New / Specials    Plumbing   PPE    Rack-A-Tiers   Safety    Small-Engines    SmartBox    Software    Spanish    Test-Equipment    Tools    Utility    Voice-Data-Video    Welding    Work-Gear

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